Curated Collection
Art from the community

My painting represents the idea that everyone can play a valuable part in achieving real change in a nation. It starts by teaching future generations about previous injustices and how to avoid repeating mistakes. We must instill respect for our fellow man, love of our neighbor and empathy.

Pedro Ipina

She is dancing away at the sound of equality and justice.

Brenda Chandler
Washington, D.C.
I stand with George. May he rest in peace.

Alise Loebelsohn
New York City, NEW YORK

Peace & Unity

Jasmine Beane
Roanoke, Virginia


Ariel Vargassal

Art can heal all.

Amber Gwyn
North Carolina

This is an image of the indigenous Masai tribe of East Africa. A tribe that believes in community spirit and helping each other. It is one of the only tribes that still lives without technology.

Punam Sanghrajka

Humans need to value life more than money.

Augustin Hakizimana
Kigali, Rwanda
Love is stronger.

Gabriela Ansari
Boston, Massachusetts

If you remove the skin's color, you can't see the difference. We are all equals.

François Pineau
Remilly-les-pothées, FRANCE

Living in the United States as a black male.

Don DonCee Coulter
Columbus, Ohio
The beauty of human kind is diversity of race and cultures. My dream is that someday we will all live together in unity and respect each other.

Gladys Velez
Medellin, COLOMBIA

Society is still racially divided. It will still take time to get past the color of our skin to become united.

Chuck Benson
Erie, Pennsylvania

Teach your children love and acceptance because "No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion"
- Nelson Mandela

Corina Hazlett
I created this piece in 2014 after the tragic death of Mike Brown. This piece is called Mafanikio Or Breakthrough in Swahili. This peace represents the fight against police brutally against black people. I truly believe through hard work and coming together we will have a breakthrough and we will come out stronger and better than ever!

Samone Harris
St.Louis, Missouri

I created this piece in 2014 after the tragic death of Mike Brown. This piece is called Mafanikio Or Breakthrough in Swahili. This peace represents the fight against police brutally against black people. I truly believe through hard work and coming together we will have a breakthrough and we will come out stronger and better than ever!

Samone Harris
St.Louis, Mississippi

Keep up peaceful protesting. I have more hope and belief that something will get done this time. We will make it happen. Vote for peace.

Lisa Pesiri
Boston, Massachusetts

Even in the mist of dark times we have continued to be a strong community... No matter how much push comes to shove we still stand strong... It's an eye-opener to those who are still not aware that these discrimination still do exist for my culture in my community. This is proof to stop ignoring it

Jacqueline J.
Houston, texas
We will always be a community that is proud of our culture, proud of our heritage and want others to understand that we just want to live and have access to the same things that everyone else has.

Sharan Jones
Southaven, Mississippi

My work expresses pain and calm. It hurts me when some people put themselves above others and I feel calm when I know that there are people who can overcome pain and move on.

Rinat M.
Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

The whole world now at last sees, feels and shares our pain and has our back in the regards to the lack of accountability and blatant, heartless systemic slaughtering people of color! It has to be finally and at long last be... OVER!

Martinez Garcias
Cleveland, Ohio
Beauxtanicals are a celebration of beauty and healing, African and European imagery, ethnicity and culture connected and co-existing on canvas.

Karel Sloane-Boekbinder
New Orleans, Louisiana

Know you are loved. Forever. Always

Cydney M Lewis
Chicago, Illinois

Chloe Dee Noble
Carmel, California

I see you, I hear you

Melissa Sherman
Toronto, Ontario

All colors together makes human human

Jaychitra Singh
SAN JOSE, California
Make Art Make Change
Today we celebrate Juneteenth and are proud and honored to share a curated collection of original art and stories from our incredibly talented, global community of VIDA artists.
10% of profits from this collection support the charity of our artist's choice.
Deidre Dixon

Abstract artist using vibrant color and mixed media, Deidre creates one-of-a-kind, eclectic pieces with passion and depth. She also writes poetry to share her mindset during the creation process.
Gary, Indiana

This artist collection supports